Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Dear Little Addi Girl

Makes me sooo sad to not call you baby anymore, but you just aren't one anymore. You are a little girl! You are so grown up lately, wanting to do everything on your own! I love the stage you are in right now, you are so much fun, but I do miss my baby. Lately about two hours after we lay you down for bed I have been missing you so much that I go and get you up just to cuddle you. I love you so much Addison I can't help but squeeze you any chance I get. I am already dreading the day you will grow up and no longer be my little girl. I love being your mommy so much, you make me so unbelievably happy! Last week you finally said mama to me. It melted my heart! Since then you call me mama all the time and are constantly giving me hugs and kisses. You are such a sweet, cuddly little girl! I LOVE IT! We have so much fun together playing with your toys, watching Curios George, going shopping, playing at the park, playing at the Splash pad and taking walks. We do everything together. Your daddy has been jealous of our time together lately having gone back to school. You guys have such a cute, fun relationship though, he doesn't need to be. He puts you to bed every night so that he can spend more time with you. You guys read book and play with your toys before he puts you down. Tonight from the living room I could hear him singing, "Im a little pony, clippity clop clippity clop, a rockin rider pony, clippity clop clippity clop" along with your rocking horse as you two played. It gave me the biggest smile! He loves you so much Addison, he spends every spare second he isn't studying, playing and cuddling with you. You bring out a totally different side of your dad that I never saw until you were born. He has such a special love for you, I adore it. We are so grateful for you in our lives and know that we are truly blessed to have you in our family. I love watching you grow, just promise you won't grow up too fast. I love you little Addi girl.

Love, Mama

1 comment:

Caitlin Roberts said...

No way! Piper, she's absolutely adorable! Got your eyes- for reals! I miss you! How are you!?