Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dear little baby Addison,

Addison we are so excited for you to arrive!! Your daddy and I are so anxious and trying really hard to get everything ready for your arrival. We have got just about everything now! We've got your cradle ready for you and I think you are going to love it!!

We begin our prenatal classes next week, so hopefully that will get us all prepared for you to come. I cant wait to begin the classes, it will make it feel so much more real that you are going to be here so soon. We have been trying really hard to think of a good middle name for you, and hopefully we will find a good one soon. We want something really special that sounds perfect with your name. We shall see what we come up with, but I think you will love it. :)

Recently you have been so active, and I can really tell that you are not liking how much space you have in there now, you are finding new places to move in all the time. Just this week you have found a spot on my far right side that feels so awkward when you move there. I am not really liking it, but you are apparently loving it. I cant seem to do anything to get you out of that spot. I have tried putting my hand there and pushing, I've tried laying on my left side so you fall out of there and you just are not budging. I think for whatever reason you just really love my right side. At least I know you are enjoying yourself in there. I love feeling you move though. I have never worried about you, you have always been so active, letting me know you are just fine. You had the hiccups yesterday and it was so adorable. You had them for just a few minutes, but it was so cute.

We have only 6 weeks now until my due date, so you are going to be here really soon. I cant wait to meet you and everyone is so excited for you to come!! You have so many people that love you Addison, especially your daddy and I and we promise we will do everything we can to make life as great as it can be for you! We love you little girl.


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