Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dear baby Addison

I found this little note that I wrote to Addison and never posted so I'm doing it now. It was a great reminder seeing it, that I need to write more letters to my baby. I also noticed that I never wrote down Addison's birth story, so I will work on that! :)

Addison you have grown so much it amazes me. Your daddy and I love watching you grown, and seeing all the new things you are able to do each and every day. You are so sweet, cheerful and adorable! You are now 5 months old, I cannot believe it! You are learning to sit up and are looking like you are ready to start crawling. You keep scooting yourself around and rolling over to get places, but you just haven't quite gotten the idea to tuck your knees up yet. I don't think it will be long though now before you do start crawling. You love making noises with your tongue and making bubbles and you love the noises your nails make against fabric and hard surfaces, its so cute to watch your face get so serious while you are discovering these noises you can make. You have always been such a good eater and sleeper and even recently have begun to sleep throughout the night. You have slept 6 hours or more each night since the time you were a month old, but for the past week you have been sleeping 9 and a half hours each night, you are such a good baby!! And mommy appreciates it more than you will ever know. :) You have also started to suck your thumb, it is the cutest thing! I have never been able to get you to take a pacifier, you did for about a week and then decided you didn't like them, but just within the last week every time I got to check on you during your nap you are sucking on your thumb, its too cute!! You have the cutest little smile I have ever seen and you share it with everyone. I have so many people telling me all the time that you are too cute and happy! We love you so much Addison. You have made us so happy. I love being your mother so much. We tried to put you in your own room about a week ago and mommy and daddy were really missing you but felt that we should let you sleep in your own room still. Well I woke up at 2 in the morning after having a nightmare that you were being taken from us and woke up your dad to tell him and he immediately knew what I wanted, I wanted my little baby. We went and got you, and I held you for a little while and we decided to put you to bed in our room for a little while longer. I am having a hard time letting go and I know that eventually you will need to sleep in your own room, but I just love having you close to me. I love going to bed and watching you play in your cradle before you fall asleep and I love hearing you talk to me in the morning when you wake up. It just wont be the same when you are in your own room, but I know I need to let you. I don't want to be one of those moms that can never let their kids grow up, or let them out of their sight, just know I am trying really hard. I almost have your room all finished and decorated and I have told myself that as soon as your room is done you will start sleeping in there. I am just soaking it all in and enjoying it right now while I still have you sleeping by me. :) We love you so much and are so grateful that you were sent to our family, you are more perfect than we ever could have hoped for. I am so grateful for the last 5 months and will continue to love watching you grow. Love you little Addi girl!


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