Sunday, April 22, 2012


We just returned from our one night babymoon and man was it nice! I was really wanting to do one with Sam just to get away and have a nice night of just being together. We have been so busy with school and work that it was nice to just not do any of that for one night even. We went and stayed at a really nice hotel in Salt Lake and went to the new City Creek Shopping Center, Outback Steakhouse for dinner, Sweet Tooth Fairy for dessert and then went swimming in the hotel's heated pool. It was so nice and really relaxing and fun!! Dinner was amazing and I was really enjoying the medium rare cooked steak which I never eat, I like my steaks cooked all the way through (Sam thinks I am craving it since I have been anemic) and then for dessert we got some cookies and cupcakes. SO DELICIOUS!! We got Addison a couple little shirts at the H&M store and the pool was amazing, it felt so nice to be in the water and to not feel so heavy. :) We both had a really great time and I am so glad that we took the time to do this little trip, it was so worth it. We've had our alone time now and we are excited for our little family to grow now. She should be arriving anytime.

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